The Arc of Wichita County
The Arc believes that all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities must be treated with dignity and respect. The Arc represents, supports, and acts on behalf of individuals and their families regardless of the level of disability. The Arc offers a variety of services for individuals and their families. Services provided are Advocacy, Information and Referral, Respite Care, Licensed Child Care, Training Workshops, Social Development Programs, Summer Camps for Children and Adults, and they sponsor a self-advocate group: People First.
Website: www.thearcwctx.org
Meals on Wheels Wichita County
In 1965, The Church of The Good Shepherd at 10th and Burnett Streets provided a building behind its place of worship for seniors of the Wichita Falls community to gather. Due to the difficulty of lacting the facility, organizers painted the entry door to the building red and gave easily identifiable directions, "go down the alley and look for the red door."
Website: www.TheKitchenWF.org
Beacon Lighthouse
Beacon Lighthouse Inc. produces a wide array of pads for all your cleaning requirements, from the largest to the smallest jobs. They have pads for any size floor polishing machines. They have quality 3M pads that can be rinsed and reused to help you cut costs while getting the highest quality pads on the market.
Website: www.BeaconWF.com
MSU & Vernon College- Scholarship
Each year the Senior-Junior Forum awards 4 scholarships to deserving undergraduate male or female students either currently attending or planning to attend Midwestern State University and/or Vernon College. For more information visit our website.
Website www.SeniorJuniorForum.com
Patsy's House
Patsy’s House Children’s Advocacy Center is a comprehensive, child-focused program that offers a highly effective, one-stop approach to child abuse investigation. The facility allows law enforcement, child protection professionals, prosecutors and the mental health and medical communities to work together with victims of child abuse and sexual assault in a comprehensive and cohesive manner. The center offers a comfortable, private, child-friendly setting where forensic interviews and counseling can be conducted. The center also focuses on the health and future of child victims.
Patsy’s House strives to improve investigations while reducing harmful effects on children and families. With early intervention, the caring team of professionals at Patsy’s House help break the cycle of abuse and cultivate a child’s chance of becoming a healthy adult.
For more information visit our website.
Website www.Patsyshouse.org
To report abuse call: 1-800-252-5400
Wichita County Heritage Society - Kell House Museum
The Kell House is one of the most historically and architecturally significant buildings in Wichita Falls. The Museum features distinctive architecture designed by the local firm of Jones and Orlopp, original family furnishings, textiles, decorative arts, and historic costumes. Guided tours of this local, state, and national landmark provide a fascinating history of this area’s early settlement and of the Kell family.
For more information visit our website.
Website www.wichita-heritage.org